Beam me up...
It's been a while. A lot has happened since the last blog. The business is getting busier, with an apparent craving for white washed and...
The Artisan Flooring Co at one
Happy birthday to me. It has been little over a year since the Artisan Flooring Co was born. There are no official figures as yet for the...
Work, work, work
I have been a busy boy, working on floors throughout Cheltenham, Stroud and even a trip to London (Hampstead, don't you know?) restoring...
It's not over until it's finished
Finishing a floor essentially means the treatment you put on after the sanding process. The icing on the cake if you like. It is the...
A brief history of floor sanding
The sequel Stephen Hawking never got round to write. Part one. The term sanding actually comes from the earliest practices of smoothing a...
Mahogany: what you need to know
Mahogany is an umbrella term for different sub-species of tropical hardwood found throughout the Americas, South-East Asia and parts of...
Teak: what you need to know
A tropical hardwood found throughout South East Asia, India and parts of Central Africa, it was first brought to Europe via Roman trade...
Oak: what you need to know
One of the five most abundant trees found in the UK, oak is highly prized, not only for its great strength and hardness, but also for its...
Pine: what you need to know.
Found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, Pine has long been used by humans to craft and create; from furniture to decking on ships, its...